In your day to day conversations, when the subject of human trafficking arises, images of young girls on the streets of Japan or India probably cross your mind. What you may not realize is that human trafficking is alive and well right here in the United States. Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 states, Washington D.C. and some US territories.
According to the US Department of State, an estimated 14,500 to 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the US annually for the purposes of commercial sex and/or labor exploitation or domestic servitude. Traffickers use force, fraud and coercion to compel women, men and children to engage in these activities.
Most sources agree, the covert nature of the crime, relative invisibility of its victims and the extreme amount of under reporting of the crime, mean these numbers are probably low estimates. Our melting pot identity sets up the US to be a trafficking magnet with people commonly trafficked from East Asia, Central & South America and Eastern Europe.
The greatest challenge lies in reaching and identifying victims. More needs to be done to reach victims in their native language and increased cross cultural and linguistic training activities need to be provided for social workers, health care professionals and law enforcement workers. It’s great that there is a 24-hour hotline you can call for assistance, but if you are petrified and only speak Korean, will the English speaking person on the other end be able to help you?
Victims need to understand information about their rights and translation services need to be made available. In the time period between, October of 2000 and fiscal year 2007, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) certified 1,379 foreign national victims of human trafficking. Despite the fact that over 10,000 people are trafficked into the US every year, only hundreds are assisted. Clearly more effort needs to be made to reach the people that need our help the most.
If you suspect a trafficking crime or need help, please call the national 24 hour toll-free Human Trafficking Resource Center at: 1-888-373-7888.
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